Aanmelden Vrijwilligers (Engels)

Volunteer registration

On the registration form below you can register as a volunteer for one or more Youth and/or Family Holidays.

!!! Please note: For most holidays you will be asked to arrive a day earlier for preparation and introduction

!!! Please note: When the form below has been completed and you click on 'SEND', a confirmation will appear that the form has been sent. If you do not see this, there are still data that have not been entered correctly, and the form has not been sent!
After the confirmation on the screen, you will also receive a confirmation of the registration in your email inbox almost immediately. If you do not receive this, please contact us immediately.

You will receive a response by email within one week of your registration.
If you have any questions, please contact Audrey Pisters via audrey@stichtingwigwam.nl or 06-30354244.

Volunteer Registration